Make Saskatchewan Affordable

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Because of the Sask. Party's misplaced priorities, many families in our province are already struggling to make ends meet. Now the Sask. Party’s decisions are threatening to make a bad situation worse by nickel-and-diming you for everything from power rates, to phone bills, to camping fees.

We have a plan to get the cost of living in Saskatchewan under control and it starts with:

  • Ensuring that our Crown corporations are offering high-quality services at more affordable rates. Electricity, Insurance, Telecom and Energy costs have been rapidly increasing under the Sask. Party and families just can't keep pace with ever-increasing rates.
  • Making college and university more affordable and accessible. Because we can't keep paying extra for class fees or to hire tutors when children can’t get time with an educational assistant or one-on-one help in the classroom. 
  • Properly funding health care and education, so families don’t have to keep paying extra for private nursing help when health care and seniors care falls short.
  • Delivering safe and affordable childcare spaces for the families that need them. Without a public system, childcare costs have become one of the largest expenditures for Saskatchewan families, we need to work together to address this looming crisis.
  • Exploring a minimum basic income pilot project as part of a comprehensive poverty reduction strategy to tackle extreme income inequality in our province.

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