The candidate the Sask. Party will nominate tonight for the upcoming by-election in Saskatoon Fairview will have to answer for his defense of his party’s cuts to education. He knows the consequences of these deep cuts well as he sat on a school board that was forced to make cuts in classrooms and to programs – including for children who are living with disabilities.
Sask. Party candidate puts Sask. Party before Saskatoon families
“It’s unacceptable for the Sask. Party to punish families and kids in school. They are not the ones to blame for the Sask. Party’s mismanagement, scandal, and waste,” said NDP Leader Nicole Sarauer. “I served as a school board trustee and I can’t imagine how anyone could sit at one of those tables and still defend the Sask. Party’s cuts.”
Enrollment in Saskatoon public schools will increase by 700 students next year but the Sask. Party has still cut the budget the board will receive. These cuts have led to the elimination of the Preschool Support Program and the Caroline Robins specialized preschool has been put on the chopping block.
NDP Saskatoon Fairview candidate Vicki Mowat said she has heard many concerns about education on the doorstep, saying that parents are worried about what the Sask. Party’s heartless cuts will mean for their children’s education.
“Every day I hear from parents and grandparents who are worried about the damage that Sask. Party cuts are causing to our kids’ classrooms,” Mowat said. “What teachers, support staff and our kids need is for someone to stand up for them against these cuts – not another Sask. Party backbencher who refuses to speak up.”