During tonight’s debate, Scott Moe tried desperately to shake the desire for change that’s gaining momentum this campaign. His tactic? Lies about the NDP’s fully costed platform. From a Premier who’s never balanced a budget himself, playing fast and loose with numbers should come as no surprise.
REALITY CHECK: Scott Moe’s desperate attempt to distract from his platform of cuts
Clearly the ‘crack math squad’ at Team Moe need to sharpen their skills because every penny of the New Democrats’ plan has been costed, accounted for, and signed off by an economist.
Capital expenditures will be paid for by reprioritizing funds within the existing SaskBuilds capital plan, which includes $1.3 billion that is totally unallocated.
New mental health ERs
· Capital dollars would come from the SaskBuilds capital plan.
Remove PST from construction labour
· PST from construction labour only brought in $197 million. $200 million per year is a sound estimate given the current state of the sector.
· Capital dollars would come from the SaskBuilds capital plan.
Film Employment Tax Credit
· A study by SaskFilm and the Saskatchewan Chamber of Commerce found that the net cost of the tax credit was $1.3 million. It would take a few years to rebuild the industry, which is why the cost in our plan starts small and grows large to $1.3 million in the fourth year.
Renew Saskatchewan
· We would implement Renew Sask through Sask Power’s existing capital plan.
New Bridge for Prince Albert
· Capital dollars would come from the SaskBuilds capital plan.
New Hospital for Prince Albert
· Capital dollars would come from the SaskBuilds capital plan.
Southeast Regina High School
· Capital dollars would come from the SaskBuilds capital plan.
Regina Surgical Centre
· Capital dollars would come from the SaskBuilds capital plan.
Broadband Internet
· This is a promise that would be implemented over time, operating within SaskTel’s existing capital plan.
Community Rink Grant
· Capital dollars for rink operators would come from the SaskBuilds capital plan.