Carolyn Brost Strom, Saskatchewan NDP Candidate For Prince Albert Carlton, Released The Following Statement In Reaction To Nurses Walking Off The Job In Saskatoon

For immediate release: October 22, 2024

Carolyn Brost Strom, Saskatchewan NDP candidate for Prince Albert Carlton, released the following statement in reaction to nurses walking off the job in Saskatoon:

“Nurses are holding a rally again today is the latest clear indicator that it’s time for change, as Scott Moe continues to drive healthcare into last place. Moe and the Sask. Party are unbelievably planning even more cuts.

“Under Scott Moe, more than 200,000 people across the province do not have access to a family doctor, critical surgeries have been delayed, and people in Prince Albert are forced to drive hours to get the care they need. 

“As a nurse, I have seen firsthand that this level of neglect from the Sask. Party government is not sustainable and it’s causing thousands of health care workers to leave the profession or the province altogether. 

“With a Saskatchewan NDP government led by Carla Beck, we’ll respect and listen to health care workers including starting a Nursing Task Force – something the Saskatchewan Nurses Union has been calling on Moe to create for over a year. 

“We need a government who takes care of the workers who take care of us. It’s time for change.”


For more information, please contact [email protected]

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