REALITY CHECK: Moe says the NDP made him do it, but the truth is, it was Devine intervention

While Ryan Meili used last night’s debate as a chance to make a strong argument for putting people first, Scott Moe once again tried to pull a fast one on Saskatchewan voters. Turns out, his old Sask. Party attack lines aren’t any more true when he makes them about himself. In fact, the truth about his past proves just how wrong those tall tales really are.

Let’s check out what he said:
"When I graduated High School in the early 90's, me and my friends had to leave the province… they had to leave the province because the NDP had the dead-last job creation record" – Saskatchewan Debate, 15:49
What date exactly was that?
“The summer after finishing high school, in 1991, Moe and [Iain] Hughes headed to Yellowknife.” – CTV Regina, Sept 29, 2020
But wait, who was in power in the summer of 1991?
Progressive Conservative leader, Grant Devine.
Turns out, it was a conservative government – the party that the Sask. Party was formed from – that chased Scottt Moe, his friends, and other young people out of Saskatchewan. Scott Moe talks about trust, yet at every opportunity, he seems to have a hard time telling the public the truth.
Saskatchewan can do better.

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