Librarian and writer Denise Leduc nominated in Arm River

Denise Leduc, branch librarian in the town of Imperial, was nominated to be the NDP candidate for Arm River on Sunday.

“Denise is a fantastic addition to the NDP team of candidates,” said NDP Leader Cam Broten. “She’s committed to families and children, and to making life a little easier for working people. Those in the Arm River constituency can count on her to stay focused on what really matters to them.

“That’s where the Sask. Party is letting us all down. More and more, it seems like they’re in it for themselves and a select few. They’re focused on pet projects and wasteful entitlements – and thanks to those horribly misplaced spending priorities, they’ve spent us right into deficit. After years of incredible resource boom, it barely took them any time at all to plunge us into deficit. During the boom they drained the Rainy Day Fund, so now they’re cutting health care and education. It’s time for a government that isn’t just about pet projects and a few people doing well, but is about extending opportunity more broadly, and investing in things that benefit us all.”

Leduc returned to post-secondary education when her daughters were teenagers, and is now the branch librarian in the town of Imperial, as well as a writer and a member of the Saskatchewan Writers’ Guild.

She has been an active volunteer for a number of organizations including Girl Guides of Canada, Meals on Wheels, Wildlife Rehabilitation Society, Living Sky Wildlife Rehabilitation, Open Door Society, International Women of Saskatoon and Cosmopolitan Industries. She is in the process of launching a new charity that will help children in need get books in their homes.

“Cam is a leader that gets what everyday families are dealing with right now,” said Leduc. “He understands that the cost of living is a growing frustration for families, and I’m really proud of his plan to cut the waste instead of cutting health care, seniors care, education and other services that deliver value for everyday families.

“The bottom line is that the Sask. Party has it backwards. We don’t need a premier who spends millions on fishy land deals, smart meters and the bizarre Lean program – and shorts front-line health care to do it. That’s the Sask. Party’s approach, and it isn’t working for families in this constituency. We need a premier who is focused on delivering value for families – making health care patient-centered, and making class sizes smaller. That’s Cam Broten’s priority, and it matches what really matters to us all.” 

Leduc lives in Aylesbury with her husband, Ian.

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