Love wins Saskatoon Eastview nomination for 2020

SASKATOON – Matt Love has been nominated as the Saskatchewan New Democrat candidate for Saskatoon Eastview. In winning the nomination, Love defeated two other candidates, Tony Bassett and Keith Jorgensen, in front of hundreds of New Democrats last Thursday.

“As a teacher, I see first-hand the ways that cuts to education are affecting our schools and families,” said Love. “Our school divisions are being asked to do more with less, and it is time that we hold the Sask. Party accountable for their mismanagement and poor decisions. Education is an investment that we need to build a more inclusive, equitable and thriving province.”

Love is a local teacher who has worked in Saskatoon Eastview for a decade, helping build a brighter future for his family, students, and community. In 2014, Love received a CBC Saskatchewan Future 40 Award for his leadership as a teacher and coach. As a public-school teacher, Love leads a program helping students learn about social justice and anti-racist education which provides his students opportunities to become involved in their communities through a weekly radio show on CFCR 90.5 and a weekly opinion column in the Saskatoon Star Phoenix.

“Matt will be a great MLA for Saskatoon Eastview,” said NDP Leader Ryan Meili. “As a teacher, Matt knows just how important it is to fight for a government that properly funds education and puts people first.”

Love is the twenty-first candidate nominated for the Saskatchewan NDP for the 2020 provincial election.

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