Meili calls on Moe to end refinery lock-out

Today, NDP Leader Ryan Meili repeated his call for the Premier to recall the Legislature and impose binding arbitration to end the lock-out at the Co-op Refinery in Regina.

“This lockout has gone on far too long. The Premier needs to show leadership and bring it to an end,” said Meili. “When the Sask. Party appointed special mediator Vince Ready months ago, they seemed confident that he would come to a resolution. Instead, the impasse drags on because the Premier won’t act, which is bad for the province, bad for workers and bad for our economy.”

Today, the union representing workers at the refinery released information showing that the Minister of Labour has known about threats against the workers at the refinery for several months yet failed to inform those workers.

“Refinery workers and farmers should not have to pay the price of this escalating conflict, when it’s easily in the Premier’s power to end it,” said Meili. “There’s a resolution on the table and it boggles my mind why the Premier won’t take it. It’s time for Scott Moe to act before someone gets seriously hurt.”

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