Melville-Saltcoats New Democrats nominate Leonard Dales

New Democrats in the Melville-Saltcoats constituency nominated farmer and health-facility maintenance power engineer Leonard Dales as the NDP candidate in the next provincial election.

Dales was selected as the candidate at a contested nomination meeting Saturday afternoon.

“I’m so pleased to welcome Leonard to our team of candidates,” said NDP Leader Cam Broten. “He knows the community, and he cares about the things that really matter to families in this area, like developing a comprehensive anti-flooding strategy, repairing highways, fixing the basics in hospitals and seniors care homes, and ensuring that government stops adding to the cost-of-living squeeze that so many families are struggling with.”

Dales said he is proud to join Cam Broten’s team and will work hard to earn the trust of Melville-Saltcoats residents.

“This government is increasingly ignoring what really matters to families and seniors in the Melville-Saltcoats constituency and rural Saskatchewan in general,” said Dales. “People are getting tired of hearing about hundreds of millions wasted on failed pet projects or luxury overseas trips while the basics in health care and seniors care are neglected. It’s time for some good Saskatchewan common sense and it’s time to focus on what really matters to people. That’s Cam Broten’s approach to politics and it’s my approach as well.”

Dales is a lifelong resident of the Melville area and has farmed there since 1974. In addition to operating a cow/calf operation and working for the Sunrise Health Region, Dales has been active in the local community, including holding volunteer positions with the local Co-op and the 4-H council.

Dales and his wife, Jean, have four children.

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