NDP calls on Don Morgan to fix Saskatoon Legal Aid or Resign

In light of comments made July 19 by a provincial court judge about the systemic shortage of Legal Aid lawyers in the Saskatoon Legal Aid office, NDP Justice Critic Nicole Sarauer is calling on Justice Minister Don Morgan to provide the resources needed to fix the problem, or resign.

“These comments from the bench speak to the seriousness of the resourcing problems at the Saskatoon Legal Aid office,” said Sarauer. “The Sask. Party government’s Minister of Justice is responsible for making sure Legal Aid has the resources it needs to advocate for vulnerable people. It’s clear from these comments that he is failing.”

Last week, Legal Aid’s Saskatoon office issued layoff notices to six employees and decided to allow three vacant lawyer positions to go unfilled.

“At the very least, Don Morgan needs to make sure that Legal Aid has the resources to refill those positions and fill the vacancies they already have. If Don Morgan can’t or won’t commit to that, he needs to resign.”

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