Scott Moe needs to explain to Saskatchewan businesses and families if he agrees with his minister who has opened the door to road tolls in Saskatchewan as a revenue measure.
REALITY CHECK: Scott Moe’s Minister opens door to road tolls
Last night at a Regina Chamber of Commerce debate, Saskatoon Northwest Sask. Party candidate Gord Wyant opened the door to highway tolls:
“... what we need to do is have a conversation with the trucking industry to see whether or not the industry would be supportive of a toll facility.” – Gord Wyant, Oct 20, 2020
It wouldn’t be the first time the Sask. Party has increased costs on businesses in order to balance their budget – with no regard to the impact on the economy and to consumers.
In 2017, Scott Moe and the Sask. Party added a six percent PST to construction labour – costing the construction industry millions in revenues and costing working men and women their jobs.
With 53 percent of Saskatchewan people $200 or less away from being broke by the end of the month, now would be the worst time to make life more expensive for everyone with added fees and tolls.
The Sask. Party can’t be trusted to support businesses and families during a pandemic. It’s time for a change to put people first.