IN THE KNOW: Sask. Party Decoder Index

Today’s official announcement that the 2020 Saskatchewan election has begun means the floodgates are open to the fearmongering and half-truths that have become the cornerstone of Sask. Party electioneering. 

Fortunately, the Saskatchewan NDP is providing you with a convenient interpretation guide to help you cut through the muck.

What they say 

What they mean


“More cuts. More privatization. More chaos.”

“Balanced Budgets”

“Crown Corporation Firesale.”

“Justin Trudeau”

“Please think about anything but our record.”

“Urgent Care Centres”

“Ignore that we just announced 4 years of austerity and cuts to healthcare.”

“They’ll drive up the deficit”

“You don’t deserve healthcare that’s there when you need it.”

“They’ll raise taxes”

“Everyone’s forgotten the PST hike, right?” 

“Carbon Tax” 

“Please please please forget the PST hike.” 

“The Last NDP government…”

“We are totally out of new ideas. The tank is empty.”

Scott Moe and the Sask. Party have been in power, and taking people for granted, for too long. Their answer to every problem is more cuts, more privatization and more chaos – with families paying the price. 

Saskatchewan can do better.

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