Saskatchewan NDP promise this will be the last Thanksgiving Moose Jaw families pay PST on groceries
For immediate release: October 11, 2024
Saskatchewan NDP promise this will be the last Thanksgiving Moose Jaw families pay PST on groceries
MOOSE JAW – Melissa Patterson, Saskatchewan NDP candidate for Moose Jaw Wakamow and Cheantelle Fisher, Saskatchewan NDP candidate for Moose Jaw North, outlined Carla Beck’s plan to save families money on Day 1 as families face rising gas prices and higher grocery prices headed into the holiday weekend.
“I have my car stocked with all the groceries my family are going to need for this Thanksgiving weekend and the tank is full, ready to drive over to grandma’s house so we can all celebrate together. Next Thanksgiving we won’t be paying Scott Moe’s extra PST on this trunk full of groceries,” said Patterson.
The Sask. Party government currently charges Saskatchewan families 15 cents a litre in provincial taxes on gas and diesel. Suspending the tax for six months will save families approximately $350.
Scott Moe also raised the PST from five per cent to six per cent and expanded it to essentials like groceries and clothes for kids under 18. Overall, the amount of PST Saskatchewan families pay has increased by over 40 per cent since Scott Moe came to power.
“These combined savings together, no PST on groceries and no gas tax at the pump, will save families hundreds of dollars — and the saving will start right away,” said Fisher. “No waiting for savings to maybe trickle out at tax time two years from now like Scott Moe’s plan.
“This is money families will keep in their pockets for Christmas.”