For immediate release: October 15, 2024
Saskatchewan NDP Will Retain & Hire Frontline Workers to Fix Broken Healthcare System in Moose Jaw
MOOSE JAW - A Saskatchewan NDP Government would retain thousands of healthcare workers considering leaving the profession and fill 800 new positions to serve communities in greatest need, like Moose Jaw.
Nicole Sarauer, Saskatchewan NDP candidate for Regina Douglas Park, joined by Saskatchewan NDP Moose Jaw North candidate Cheantelle Fisher and Moose Jaw Wakamow candidate Melissa Patterson, held a news conference to discuss the local impact of a major election commitment by Leader Carla Beck.
“Our plan will see thousands more frontline healthcare workers doing their incredible work here in Moose Jaw and right across Saskatchewan. “We will invest an additional $1.1 billion in healthcare and focus heavily on hiring, retaining, recruiting and training frontline healthcare workers.
“We will end the culture of fear faced by frontline staff. We will take care of healthcare workers so they can take care of us.”
Last year, more than 4,000 Saskatchewan healthcare workers left the profession or left the province altogether, a greater number than anywhere else in Canada. The impact of these departures has been devastating in communities like Moose Jaw, where the Dr. F. H. Wigmore Regional Hospital has seen constant blackout periods for critical medical services.
“Healthcare is a huge issue for people here,” Patterson said. “The people I’m talking to are looking for change. They want better care and they want a government that listens, that acknowledges healthcare here is broken and then takes action to fix it.”
Fisher noted that the platform released over the weekend by Scott Moe and the Sask. Party will inevitably lead to deep cuts in healthcare.
“How can they possibly justify making things even worse?” she said. “The people I talk to want to support our frontline workers and improve public healthcare, not dismantle it.
Carla Beck has a plan that will get Saskatchewan healthcare out of last place. On Oct. 28, Saskatchewan can vote for change and a better government.”