Earlier today, in response to a question about ballooning health care wait times, Scott Moe suggested that COVID was the dastardly culprit for this unfortunate problem:
REALITY CHECK: Scott Moe gets it wrong on wait times
“Our health care systems … have been impacted by COVID-19… we have a record of shrinking out wait times…. We have successfully reduced the wait times here in Saskatchewan.” – October 7
Unfortunately, the data simply doesn’t support this. In fact, in December of 2019, pre-COVID, the number of people waiting 6 months or more for surgery had increased 1200% since 2015.
But don’t take our word for it, the Government of Saskatchewan backs us up.
It is a fact that under Scott Moe’s Sask. Party, wait times have skyrocketed – and with promises of more dangerous cuts, Saskatchewan families will be left to to pay the price.
Saskatchewan can do better.