Sunset United Church
177 Sunset Dr, Regina, SK
Donna Ottenson

The Famous NDP Fowl Supper

This event has already taken place.

The silhouette of a turkey in front of an orange backdrop.

The Famous NDP Fowl Supper is proudly co-hosted by Regina Pasqua NDP and Regina University NDP.

Tuesday November 8th 2022
5:00pm and 6:00pm sittings
Sunset United Church
177 Sunset Drive  

Join Regina Pasqua and Regina University New Democrats for a delicious turkey dinner.

There will be two sittings of the meal. 

Tickets: $30 each. Children ages 6-12 $10 (under 6 eat for free).

Contact Donna Ottenson at [email protected] or at 306-551-6183 for tickets or by e-transfer to [email protected] (make the password "NDP").

Come hungry and bring friends!  

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