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In response to northern travel ban, NDP repeats call for immediate support for northern municipalities

In response to the Premier’s announcement banning non-critical travel to northern Saskatchewan because of a local outbreak of COVID-19, NDP Leader Ryan Meili said it’s now urgent for the Premier to work more closely with northern leaders to ensure clear protocols and protections for stopping the spread of COVID-19, and step up and provide direct financial assistance for northern communities, as the Opposition has been calling for.

Meili calls for COVID-19 plan that puts people first

Ahead of the release of Premier Moe’s “Re-open Saskatchewan” plan, NDP Leader Ryan Meili issued the following statement:

Saskatchewan people have stepped up to protect each other through this pandemic. We’ve shown incredible spirit. We’ve shown what Saskatchewan is made of. And it’s working. Our COVID-19 case numbers are among the lowest in the country.

NDP calls on province to match federal support for food banks to meet unparalleled need

With Saskatchewan food banks experiencing a steep drop-off in food donations and a spike in usage of up to 40 to 50 percent in some communities in the wake of COVID-19, NDP Leader Ryan Meili is calling on the province to match federal support with $1.5 million in emergency funding, and to encourage Saskatchewan people to support their local food banks with food or cash donations if possible.

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