Great Canadian Brewhouse
4820 Gordon Rd, Regina , SK
Regina Pasqua NDP Association
Phone Number (306) 533-8667

Regina Pasqua NDP Burger Night Fundraiser

This event has already taken place.

Regina Pasqua NDP Burger Night Fundraiser

Sunday, March 3, beginning at 5pm.

Great Canadian Brewhouse, 4820 Gordon Road


$30 for adults        

Adult ticket includes stony plain burger* and fries plus one drink (beer/wine/pop)

*Vegetarian and gluten-free options available.

$15 for children 12 and under

Children’s ticket includes kid’s menu item plus cotton candy dessert and drink.


For tickets or more information, contact: (306) 533-8667

E-transfer to [email protected] (include burger or veggie burger in the message)


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