
- Learning from the Couch - Rural Roots: Cultivating Understanding - Online

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Understanding today's rural Saskatchewan means shedding long held myths and embedded stereotypes and instead, cultivating a new conversation that begins by examining hard data and facts.

From vibrant towns to communities gone bust, from the flight of industry to the arrival of work at home culture, rural Saskatchewan is anything but simply farmland, and it is anything but uniform.


Rural Saskatchewan has valuable assets, from water and natural resources to natural beauty, cultural capital, deep knowledge of place – and people with talent and resourcefulness. Yet, knowing what is true about rural places and people is a challenge. Too often, many lump all of rural Saskatchewan into one “flyover-country” stereotype or the farmer in the Dell mythology. But saying that rural Saskatchewan has remained unchanged is the same as saying that farmers still milk a few cows and every town has a elevator.


Register to attend at: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/learning-from-the-couch-rural-roots-cultivating-understanding-tickets-307846104987

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