Agriculture and Rural Life Committee

The Agriculture and Rural Life Committee (ARC) is the newest official committee of the Saskatchewan NDP, dedicated to representing rural members of the NDP and addressing the unique challenges and opportunities faced by rural communities.

ARC has a long history in the NDP, and became a constitutionally recognized committee at the 2022 Provincial Convention.

Establishing ARC as an official committee is an important step forward, recognizing the vital role that the agricultural and rural communities play in the economy and society of Saskatchewan. With the support of ARC, the NDP is committed to ensuring that the voices of these communities are heard and that their concerns are addressed in a meaningful way.

Are you interested in working together to fighting to stop rural health care closures, improve education, advocate for better rural internet, address access to markets and the rising costs of inputs, demand better agricultural support programs that reflect 21st century agriculture, and help communities respond to the impact of climate change on agriculture? Then join ARC!

If you want to get involved, please fill out the form or email [email protected].

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