Tommy Douglas House
1122 Saskatchewan Dr, Regina, SK
Donna Ottenson
Phone Number 306-584-3179

Bessie Ellis "Celebrating Women" Fundraiser

This event has already taken place.

There will be an SNDW fundraiser on Friday, March 13th at Provincial Office. This date falls between International Women’s Day (March 8th) and Saskatchewan Women’s Suffrage (March 14th). Proceeds will go to the Bessie Ellis Fund which supports women seeking nomination.

The event will be a social gathering from 5-8:00 PM. Appetizers will be served. Beer and wine will be available for sale and live music will brighten your day.

Silent auctions will include a Dessert Auction and Miscellaneous Goods Auction.

Let’s have some fun celebrating women in politics.

Tickets will be on sale through Provincial Office or by contacting Donna Ottenson at [email protected] or 306-584-3179.

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