St. Andrew's United Church Hall
60 Athabasca St E, Moose Jaw, SK

Provincial Council

This event has already taken place.

Provincial Council calls to order at 10am on September 16, 2023, at St. Andrew's United Church in Moose Jaw, and wraps up at 3pm, followed by campaign activities and socializing. On Sunday, September 17, 2023, we meet from 9:00 am to Noon.

Please RSVP now.

Meeting exhibits will be available closer to the meeting date.


If you need accommodation, group rates have been negotiated at Temple Gardens.

Temple Gardens
Address: 24 Fairford St E, Moose Jaw
Price: $199 plus taxes per night (parking $5 per night)
Room types: 2 Queen or 1 King
To book: Call 1-800-718-7727 and let the agent know you are booking within the NDP room block.
(You will need to leave a valid credit card number on file to secure the booking, however nothing will be charged to the card until check-in with the front desk for a deposit, or in the event that you are a ‘no-show’.)
Rate Available Until: September 1, 2023 (after that, the rate may be higher)

Note: the Heritage Inn has locked out its employees effective September 7th. Please support UFCW 1400 employees who have been locked out and do not book at the Heritage Inn.

Other Accommodation options:

Best Western Plus
350 Diefenbaker Dr, Moose Jaw
(306) 972-3334

Comfort Inn
155 Thatcher Dr, Moose Jaw
(306) 692-2100

Prairie Oasis
955 Thatcher Dr East, Moose Jaw
(306) 693-8888

45 Athabasca St E, Moose Jaw
(306) 692-1884

Provincial Councillors are eligible to claim $100 per night for accommodation, $0.30 per kilometre for mileage, and per diems for meals that aren't provided at the meeting. 

Take action

Make a Donation
Sign up to volunteer
Order a Sign

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Find Carla Beck on social media