
Cultural Diversity AGM 2022

This event has already taken place.

You are invited to the Saskatchewan NDP Cultural Diversity Committee AGM on February 19th (Saturday) at 2:00 PM via Zoom.

The program features Party Leader Ryan Meili, Party President Sheila Whelan and Guest speaker Dr Mateen Raazi and some great entertainment.

We request all the Cultural Diversity Committee members* to attend the AGM. Other NDP members are also welcomed to attend the AGM but can’t participate in elections or hold office.

The registration link for the meeting is https://www.saskndp.ca/cdc_agm. You are encouraged to register as soon as possible to receive the zoom link.

Register now

The AGM agenda has been posted at https://www.saskndp.ca/cdc_agenda.

*Anyone who identifies as a member of visible minority or newcomer community and is a member of the Saskatchewan NDP is automatically a member of the Cultural Diversity Committee.

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