Timothy Eaton Gardens
510 Main St N, Moose Jaw, SK
Marshall Burns
Phone Number (306) 631-6856

Moose Jaw Wakamow Nomination Meeting

This event has already taken place.

NDP Leader Ryan Meili will be joining New Democrat members in Moose Jaw on February 29 to nominate the next NDP candidate for Moose Jaw Wakamow.

The Moose Jaw Wakamow Nominating Convention will be held on an open membership basis. That is any adult or youth member residing within the boundaries of the Moose Jaw Wakamow constituency who holds a valid 2020 membership may attend as a voting delegate.

ALL voting members will be required to provide proof of membership & residency (please bring identification) before being permitted to register to vote. Guests are welcome but will not be able to vote.

Renewals will be accepted at the door for any un-renewed memberships from the years 2017 to 2019 and such renewed members will be eligible to vote.

Any person with a 2016 membership or earlier will need a new membership. All NEW memberships must be purchased and in to Provincial Office for processing by Friday, February 14, 2020 at 4:00pm.

At this time there are two declared candidates, Crystal Froese and Melissa Patterson.

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