Pride Committee

Sask NDP logo in Rainbow coloursThe Rainbow Pride Committee is the official wing of the Saskatchewan NDP representing gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, two-spirited and questioning New Democrats, along with their families, friends and allies. The role of the Committee is to build bridges between queer New Democrats, other members of the New Democratic Party and other members of the queer community.

More specifically, the purpose of the Pride Committee is:

Outreach: Establish and maintain effective two-way communication between the New Democratic Party and Saskatchewan’s gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, two-spirited and questioning (2SLGBTQ+) communities.

Promotion: Promote the policies and activities of the New Democratic Party within Saskatchewan’s 2SLGBTQ+ communities.

Policy Development: Plan and develop policy initiatives on issues of concern to 2SLGBTQ+ people for the consideration of the New Democratic Party convention or council.

Safe Place: Provide a “safe space” within the New Democratic Party where 2SLGBTQ+ members can discuss their concerns in a secure environment.

Public Education: Work in partnership with other 2SLGBTQ+ organizations, and other New Democratic Party members, to increase public awareness and understanding of issues of concern to 2SLGBTQ+ people. 

The Pride Committee has always placed a high priority on reaching out beyond the membership of the party in our activities. Over the years, we have co-sponsored educational forums in Regina and Saskatoon, including speakers at the annual Breaking the Silence conference of educators. We have sponsored queer youth to attend Camp fYrefly. We have participated in Pride parades.

The Pride Committee invites all lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, two-spirited and questioning people, and their families, friends and allies, to get involved.  If you are interested, fill out the form or send an E-mail to [email protected].

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