56 RSVPs

Saskatoon Day of Action - Part 2

This event has already taken place.

This is a great opportunity to join your Sask NDP candidates and MLAs in our efforts to ensure a Sask NDP victory this fall. We will be canvassing in pairs, and training will be provided on the day. No experience is needed - come be a part of this exciting time and help us make a difference. 

Event Details:

  1. Date: August 21st
  2. Initial Meeting Point: TBD by constituency
  3. Timeline:
  4.  Training: 5:00 PM
  5. Canvassing: 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
  6. Debrief and Socializing: 7:30 PM at Fox and Hounds

Please click the "SEND RSVP' button and someone from your home constituency will contact you to discuss the details.

Mark your calendars: Our third and final Saskatoon Day of Action before the 2024 general election is scheduled for September 8th. More details will be provided in August.

Please share this event with your friends and family, and encourage them to join us as well. Register using the link below to confirm your participation. Also, remember to bring your water bottles to stay hydrated throughout the time.

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