Saskatchewan Young New Democrats

The Saskatchewan Young New Democrats (SYND) invite all young people between the ages of 13 and 30 who are interested in building the future of our province to join us. Bring along a friend and get them involved, too.  Our goal is to prove that you can change our province for the better, and have fun while you’re doing it!

If you want to get involved, fill out the form or contact us at [email protected]

You can also check out our Linktree to find all of our social media accounts!

Who We Are

The Saskatchewan Young New Democrats (SYND) is the youth wing of the Saskatchewan NDP. Our members consist of all Saskatchewan New Democratic Party members 13 to 30 years old. We are a diverse group made up of university students, high school students, working people, and activists.

We have an elected executive that meets on a regular basis, our members are members of the Saskatchewan NDP and we have an annual convention where we formulate policies surrounding issues that reflect our concerns.

What We Believe

The Saskatchewan Young New Democrats are a movement of progressive youth who work to establish meaningful social change towards a just, prosperous, sustainable and equal society. We are a democratic, inclusive and professional organization. We hold ourselves to the highest standards of conduct.

We seek a sustainable and social market economy with a strong public sector and a thriving, dynamic and innovative private sector. To achieve social justice and equal opportunities for all, our goal is to build a welfare state built upon solidarity and social rights that treats people not as passive recipients of charity, but rather as active participants in their own empowerment. Our goal is to make society more equal, to eliminate poverty and social exclusion, and to ensure that everyone has an equal opportunity to pursue human flourishing and a life of dignity. We believe in balanced budgets and responsible debt management, but affirm the need for deficit spending to support economies in recessions.

We believe passionately in democracy. We believe in the empowerment of people and communities to shape the path of their own lives by redistributing power. We aim to create a society that is inclusive of all people in their rich diversity and unique needs and desires. Our aim is to include women and men equally in all aspects of our own organisation, and to be inclusive and representative of our society's diversity.

We demand the reshaping of society to ensure that every facet of our lives is undertaken with respect for the Earth. We support a transition to a sustainable society. Due to the urgency of the climate crisis, we aim for a transition that is aggressive, ambitious and just for workers, consumers and businesses.

What We Do

To achieve our vision, we are active in the political life of our society. We aim to elect New Democrats to the Legislative Assembly and to Parliament with the goal of forming governments to enact the progressive social changes we desire. We contribute our time, money and ideas to elect New Democrats and support our candidates, especially youth candidates.

We endeavour to enter into a relationship with grassroots social movements, with the student movement and with labour unions. We adopt a co-operative, constructive and critical approach to our role within the New Democrats. We participate fully in every part of the New Democratic Party, and facilitate the participation of youth.

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