Carla Beck Releases Fiscal Plan to Fix Health Care, Cut Taxes and Balance Budget

For immediate release: October 4, 2024

NDP Leader also pledges to cut Sask. Party waste — ‘We do not have a revenue problem, we have a management problem’

REGINA - Today, Saskatchewan NDP Leader Carla Beck released her detailed fiscal plan to invest in healthcare and education, cut costs for families and balance the budget in a single term. 

“This plan is the roadmap to get Saskatchewan out of last place on healthcare and education,” Beck said. “For too long, Saskatchewan people have been paying more and getting less. 

“We’ve looked closely at the government’s books. Scott Moe and the Sask. Party haven’t been honest with Saskatchewan. You deserve better.”

Beck noted more than $50 million in initial savings by cutting Sask. Party waste and said there’s likely much more to come should she form the next government.

The money, Beck said, would be reinvested in healthcare, education, economic initiatives, getting tough on crime and on the causes of crime. Beck’s plan also accounted for campaign promises to cut the gas tax on Day 1, cut the PST on groceries and children’s clothing and more.

“Our plan takes existing revenue and invests it in recruiting, training and retaining the frontline staff we need to fix our health care,” she said. “We will do all of this without raising your taxes and while still balancing the budget in our first term.

“This is a plan for change.”

Beck was joined by senior adviser Ron Styles, a former Saskatchewan Deputy Minister of Finance and executive leader with more than 35 years of experience running some of the province’s Crown corporations, such as SaskTel, Crown Investment Corporation and SaskHousing. 

Styles has been working with Beck to bring forward a credible fiscal plan and implement it should the Saskatchewan NDP form government.

“The NDP plan is affordable, it’s fiscally responsible, and it’s less than a quarter of the spending increases the government has made over the past four years,” Styles said. 

The fiscal plan released Friday has a cumulative cost of $3.65 billion in spending over the next four years. The added spending is well within the anticipated growth in revenues and will result in a surplus budget in the fourth year of the term.

Beck said the Sask. Party has been lying about the province’s finances for too long.

“They will do whatever they can to distract from their record — from the choices they’ve made to prioritize their own interests over the education of your kids to prioritizing their friends and insiders over the healthcare you and your loved ones deserve,” Beck said. 

“People are tired of this. All across this province are telling me they’re ready for change. I’m proud of the detailed plan we’re putting forward.”

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