For immediate release: October 4, 2024
Reality Check: Sask. Party Math Can't Be Trusted
Missed budget projection by $1.3 billion, doubled Saskatchewan’s debt in six years, and now Miscalculated Sask. NDP campaign promises by $700 million
REGINA - The Sask. Party has a proven record of financial mismanagement, faulty fiscal projections and they just can’t be trusted.
They’re $700 million off in their estimates provided to media today and they’ve completely misrepresented the generational education investment by Carla Beck and the Saskatchewan NDP. The NDP costing table is laid out to show incremental annual funding increases — all $2 billion in additional funding has been accounted for.
The Sask. Party government missed their own budget projections by $9.3 billion over the last 4 years. In just six years, Scott Moe has added $14 billion to Saskatchewan’s debt.
We won’t take lessons on fiscal management from Scott Moe and the Sask. Party.