Scott Moe’s Own Candidate Admits Sask. Party Forced Cuts To Classrooms

For immediate release: October 21, 2024 

Scott Moe’s Own Candidate Admits Sask. Party Forced Cuts To Classrooms

BATOCHE - Scott Moe’s own candidates can’t defend the Sask. Party’s record on education and even slammed Scott Moe’s 2023 budget for failing students.  

Darlene Rowden, Sask. Party candidate in Batoche, had this to say about the 2023 budget and the lack of funding for Saskatchewan classrooms: “It’s not great to be honest with you.”

Rowden, who serves as trustee chair for the Saskatchewan Rivers School Division, said, “Overall it's not going to cover inflation for Sask. Rivers. Significantly, it is short for covering those pressures.”

Rowland went on to say that Scott Moe’s and the Sask. Party  budget was going to result in the Saskatchewan Rivers School division having to make cuts.   

“We have to find it in our budget, so what does that mean? Cuts somewhere.”

“Scott Moe’s own candidates — my opponent — can’t defend the record of failure of the last four years, of underfunding education, failing teachers, students and families,” said Trina Miller, Saskatchewan NDP candidate for Batoche. “How can anyone trust Darlene Rowden to fight for the kids of Batoche after she sold them out for her own political career?”

“We’re in last place on education and that has got to change. 

“I am proud to be on Carla Beck’s team. She has pledged a Saskatchewan NDP Government will boost funding by $2 billion to hire teachers, reduce class sizes and provide every student in this province the education they deserve.

“It’s time to get out of last place. We understand that funding public education is an investment in our province’s future.”


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