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Broten kicks off writ period Monday

NDP Leader Cam Broten officially kicked off the election period Monday with a launch event just before the writ is to be dropped.

“I’m Cam Broten and I am running to be Premier of Saskatchewan,” he opened at a media event at Saskatoon’s Persephone Theatre, surrounded by candidates and supporters.

New TV ads show Cam Broten’s priorities

Two new television commercials began airing Sunday, highlighting the priorities of Cam Broten and his New Democrat team.

“This election is going to be about choosing a leader that shares your family’s priorities,” said NDP deputy leader Trent Wotherspoon. “Now that times are tight, who can you trust to protect health care and education? Who will make your life more affordable, instead of making their friends and consultants richer?

“Cam’s plan is to cut the Sask. Party’s waste and entitlements, put more money in the pockets of everyday families, and fix the things we all count on.”

Broten to fix the worst ambulance fees in Canada

NDP Leader Cam Broten says he’ll fix the worst ambulance-fee system in Canada by ending charges for transfers between facilities, and ending the outrageous per-kilometre charges patients pay.

Broten announced that pledge in Regina Saturday. Saskatchewan is the only province that charges people for ambulance transfers between facilities, and one of only two that applies a per-kilometre charge on top of the basic charge.  

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