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Lawsuit filed against Sask. Party over GTH land scandal

A new lawsuit filed against the Sask. Party in the Global Transportation Hub (GTH) land scandal may be the final straw in Brad Wall’s defense of his sketchy land deal.

Before buying land at a whopping $103,000 per acre, Wall’s government called a $38,000-per-acre independent appraisal of the same plot of land “unrealistic” and “incompetence.”

“Wall’s government claimed it was incompetent for an independent appraiser to set the land value as high as $38,000,” said NDP Leader Cam Broten. “But then he personally signed an order to buy it for $103,000 per acre. What changed? The owners.

“Once the land was in the hands of businessmen who allegedly have Sask. Party connections, all of a sudden the strong-arm expropriation tactics stopped, and a big cheque was signed. This deal stinks worse than ever.”

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