REALITY CHECK: Sask. Party shovelling more than just dirt with defensive bypass announcement

The Sask. Party’s need to privatize everything transformed a good idea – building an important bypass around Regina – into a $2 billion international boondoggle.

Instead of allowing Saskatchewan companies to directly undertake and benefit from this important project, Sask. Party handed the massive contract to France-based VINCI. 

Today, with the clock counting down on their government, the Sask. Party tried one more time to defend the hundreds of millions of dollars they are wasting on foreign and out of province private contractors for the Regina bypass. Even in this desperate defense, the most the Sask. Party officials could say about keeping the much-needed job creation in Saskatchewan was that a local company “was one of the first companies to start road work.” …“One of the first”!?!

To make matters worse, even that company is partially owned by private equity firm from Alberta.

It’s not clear why the Sask. Party refused to transparently trust Saskatchewan companies with this project so they could benefit the provincial economy and create the local jobs themselves but, with skyrocketing costs (to $2.2 billion from $400 million), it’s obvious Brad Wall’s privatization plan is not working.

Corporations from France may be feeling the love but the people of Saskatchewan are not his priority anymore.

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