REALITY CHECK: Wall’s Waste: The secret cost of misplaced priorities

Trying to figure out how much money Brad Wall has wasted on pet projects, gravy planes and privatization could give anyone a headache.

Some of the details are likely in his secret budget with all of his hidden cuts.

What we do know is that many millions of dollars have already been misspent and shipped out of province. This waste isn’t just embarrassing for Mr. Wall, it has a cost and it’s Saskatchewan people who pay the price with cuts to programs and services like health care, educations, and seniors care.

Now, everyday families are left guessing where exactly the money went, and which of their own priorities it could have been spent on instead. Well, we’ve looked at the numbers and put together a list of all that we could have had if Mr. Wall had invested in Saskatchewan people instead of his misplaced priorities.

Check it out here:

The only thing Cam Broten wants to cut is this wasteful spending on millions of dollars of Sask. Party waste. Together with Saskatchewan people, Cam will build a stronger, fairer, and kinder province by investing in the priorities of everyday families.

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