REALITY CHECK: New York Times: Sask. Party carbon capture failure, “not going to fly”

American media has, once again, turned their attention to the Sask. Party’s botched carbon capture project. Yesterday’s New York Times highlights the Sask. Party’s wilful deception on the global scale and dismisses their false claims of triumph, saying: “the success story disintegrated”.

The article goes on to say:

“The project has been plagued by multiple shutdowns, has fallen way short of its emissions targets, and faces an unresolved problem with its core technology.”

It pointed out that the Sask. Party’s own document on first year operations concluded:

“The system often didn’t work at all”.

With regard to the staggering Saskatchewan tax payer dollar waste, the article sates:

“The costs, too, have soared, requiring tens of millions of dollars in new equipment and repairs.”


“One shutdown last spring to clean and replenish the chemical cost 17 million Canadian dollars.”

The article concludes with an expert in the field discussing the downfalls of carbon capture:

“That is exactly the reason this [project] is not going to fly”.

It would seem the deceitful fantasy Brad Wall has created to pitch this project to the world has been no more successful than the project itself.

If Brad Wall’s only goal was to get a headline, he did achieve that. But, instead of anything good, the international attention was about his own bluster and failure.

Cam Broten will protect the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the ground our children play on and he will get Saskatchewan known as a stronger, fairer, and kinder province.

The article can be found here.

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