REALITY CHECK: Brad Wall’s ‘bus’ted mental health strategy

Despite spending taxpayer’s money to commission both a “Mental Health Strategy” and a “Poverty Reduction Plan,” Brad Wall’s Sask. Party is ignoring the expert recommendations. Instead, they’ve opted to reduce the number of people in Saskatchewan suffering from mental health issues by buying them a one-way ticket to BC, putting them on a bus, and shipping them out.  

Both of the commissioned reports focused on the importance of providing housing for those living in poverty or with mental health issues. What Brad Wall and his government seemed to have missed is that the recommended housing was supposed to be in Saskatchewan… not British Columbia.

To be fair to Brad Wall’s lean and mean “plan,” simply shipping those who struggle with mental health off to BC is, in fact, cost effective.  That said, one has to wonder how the Sask. Party would know in which direction to send anyone, given how broken their moral compass seems to be.

Since even Brad Wall has more faith in British Columbia than he does in his own government to care for the one in five people of Saskatchewan requiring support, it’s clear the people of Saskatchewan (and British Columbia) can’t afford the Sask. Party in tough times.

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