REALITY CHECK: Wall’s approach: Don’t worry, be homeless

How does Brad Wall feel about a 90 per cent cut to funding for homeless shelters?

Well, we needn’t wonder any longer, “I don’t think people should worry about its loss.”

He went on to tell the Battlefords News-Optimist, yesterday, “If we’re re-elected, I think the best indicator of future behavior is past behavior and again, the supports in general province-wide in this area have increased under our government.”

Let’s recall exactly what Wall’s ‘past behavior’ has been.

First, he and his Sask. Party reduced the number homeless people – not by addressing the root causes of poverty or providing better assistance to the most vulnerable but – by changing the definition of “homeless” to be way narrower than, you know, being homeless.

As for “supports in general,” that amounted to Greyhound bus tickets to ship the homeless out of province.

Wall’s short-term thinking relies entirely on federal funding and will lead to long-term woes for Saskatchewan because funding cuts for homeless shelters inevitably lead to added costs and strains on police and emergency rooms.

Then, no number of chartered buses will make Wall’s problems go away.

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