REALITY CHECK: What is Wall really exporting?

Brad Wall was talking about Saskatchewan exports today but he failed to mention exactly what his export priorities have been.

Mr. Wall has made it a priority to send lots of things out of Saskatchewan – specifically jobs and billions of tax dollars.

While Mr. Wall has been busy making foreign-owned corporations and consultants rich, everyday families and Saskatchewan workers have paid the price and missed out on important jobs.

• A French consortium has reaped billions on the Regina Bypass;

• A Wisconsin-based company has made millions through maintenance work in Saskatchewan schools;

• A corporation out of the United Kingdom has been contracted to build and handle maintenance in a replacement hospital in North Battleford; and

• Millions more have been spent on the U.S.-based Lean consulting (where Wall spent $1,511 for every dollar “saved”).

It’s curious that Mr. Wall didn’t bring up all of these exports.

Mr. Wall also failed to mention the export of Saskatchewan workers in the film industry. Thanks to the Sask. Party’s elimination of the Film Tax Credit, film and TV productions, actors, technicians, staff, and all of the economic benefits and spin-off jobs are flocking out of the province.

If Mr. Wall wants to somehow take credit for exports, he should at least tell the whole story.

Cam Broten is committed to keeping good mortgage-paying jobs here in Saskatchewan. New Democrats will bring back the Film Tax Credit, support local businesses, end privatization and stop giving millions and millions to out-of-province consultants. This is how Cam Broten will build a stronger, fairer, and kinder Saskatchewan.

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