REALITY CHECK: Mr. Wall, let us Google that for you

Brad Wall added a whopping $2.8 billion to the provincial debt, threw away our resource wealth and blew through the Rainy Day Fund. Now, his platform offers nothing more than $10 million per year, 100 kilometers of highway and just a few lines of costing text. 

Since Wall also refuses to explain why he personally signed off on the GTH land scandal that charged taxpayers an exorbitant price for land for the Regina bypass, he seems to be running out of other things to talk about.

Perhaps that’s why he refused to introduce his budget and has resorted to slinging platitudes and empty attacks.

Cam Broten has been clear about the NDP’s costed and validated platform. He is committed to cutting Sask. Party waste and investing in the priorities of Saskatchewan people like front-line health care providers and more teachers in the classroom.

Contrary to Wall’s words, Cam will fund and build the Prince Albert bridge, secure funding for Wallaston Lake Road, housing units, and other infrastructure investments. All these promises are included in the $6.2 billion infrastructure plan outlined in the NDP platform and costing document.

This was clearly pointed out in a detailed briefing to media. It was then published in a press release… which was sent out province wide… to journalists… and then posted on our website… on the Internet.

Mr. Wall is invited to have another look at Cam’s plan. It highlights New Democrats’ focus on everyday families’ priorities.

Cam’s plan will help make Saskatchewan fairer, kinder, and – yes - stronger.   

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